26th Annual Polar Bear Plunge

Who’s ready to take the plunge? The 26th annual Polar Bear Plunge is coming up soon! The Polar Bear Plunge is a tradition that was started when 35 participants jumped into the icy cold water of the ESRC outdoor pool to celebrate the opening of the building in 1997. Since then, we have carried on the tradition, with a record of 1,200 jumpers in 2014. The plunge is open to all ECU students, faculty, and staff, free of charge.

When: January 20th, 2022, starting at 6:30 pm

Where: Eakin Student Recreation Center Outdoor Pool

This year, pre-registration will not be required but is encouraged for new jumpers. There will be a line to register on-site for those that do not pre-register. Click here to pre-register!

Don’t have anyone to jump with? Don’t worry! This year, we are providing a way to pair up lone jumpers with new friends. If this sounds fun to you, simply fill out this survey to indicate that you want to be paired with someone. You will receive an email before the event with the information of your jumping match. From there, you can get to know your partner and take the Plunge together!

The indoor pool will be open to warm up in after taking the plunge. You can take part in some water games or float around for a while. While you are in the ESRC, be sure to visit the Org Fair on Basketball Courts 1&2 to check out different clubs and organizations on campus.

We will also have free food, T-shirts, and beanies available for pick up after jumping! Food will be found near the org fair and t-shirts will be available for pick up before returning to the locker rooms after jumping!

Follow along with us as we get ready for Polar Plunge… our social media pages (@ecu_crw) will be constantly updated with more information and interactive giveaways.

Thank you to Bower/The Davis for being a Gold Sponsor for Polar Bear Plunge 2022!

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