Well-Being Hub
Located in the ECU Main Campus Student Center, the Well-Being Hub is a holistic well-being destination serving students and employees as they strive for optimal health. Campus community members will discover resources to support a whole-person philosophy that embraces the Gallup Five Essential Elements of Well-Being: career, social, financial, physical, and community. Guests of The Hub can talk with knowledgeable Well-Being Ambassadors, certified peer educators, and nationally certified well-being coaches as well as collaborating campus partners. They will discover useful campus resources, explore programs and special events, and experience evidence-based methods to improving overall well-being and increase life satisfaction. An alternative to traditional spaces, The Hub will serve as a place to relax, connect with peers, make new connections, and learn about how to create plans for sustainable and positive lifestyle behavior changes. Fully stocked and staffed, this new location for community engagement will truly be “a hub” for campus outreach.
Our Goal
With its relaxing atmosphere, comfy seating, and low lighting, The Hub provides an alternative space for participants to experience programs, collaborate with ECU campus partners and their programs, and obtain valuable resources about strategies and methods to improve life satisfaction. An inviting and approachable space, The Hub will be a leader in transformative experiences.
Programs & Events
The unique location of the Well-Being Hub allows it to serve both students and employees of ECU and therefore will be able to house resources for programs such as open houses and the Employee Well-Being Institute, and events such as Pirates Aboard, My Pirate Body, and a new collaborative program, A Week of Happiness.
The Hub will host in-person workshops, seminars, and events that can be aired through social media channels including meditation, yoga, knitting, journal writing, and affirmation creations, and provides the perfect location for collaboration with campus partners.
Grab and Go kits will be available for various activities such as crossword puzzles, anti-stress kits, brainteasers, art therapy, and much more based on the interests of guests. Feedback methods will determine other needs.