The Perfect Pear!

There are so many beneficial foods to choose from in order to best fuel your body, but the choices can be over whelming. Today we’ll be looking at one pear-fect fruit and all the ways you can incorporate it into your diet. First, lets start with some fun facts. This fruit has over 3000 varieties worldwide! Each one in the United States is hand picked in the US. It’s one of the only fruits that goes back to 1000 B.C. Its part of the rose family and used to be referred to as the “butter Fruit”, think you know it?

This week’s fruit is, the pear! This green, bottom heavy friend of ours provides multiple benefits to your body’s overall health. For starters, they are packed with antioxidants that benefit your skin and immune system. Pears can even improve digestion and assist weight loss. Pears also benefit your heart health! Today we’re going to look at some simple and tasty ways you can make a pear packed snack!

The first snack that we’ll talk about is a yogurt “Pear”fait. The name leaves little to the imagination, as its pun is straight forward. But this pear packed snack packs a healthy punch and can even be a great way to start your day! Let’s get started on breaking it down for you!


  • Yogurt
  • Sliced (or diced) pears
  • Granola
  • Brown sugar (optional)


Reach for a cup, or bowl, begin scooping in yogurt. Once you have layered the bottom of your dish with yogurt, reach for the granola (or brown sugar). Lightly sprinkle on top of the yogurt until lightly covered. Grab pear and repeat. Then grab yogurt and repeat the steps over again one to two more times.

The next tasty treat is Pear fries! These can make for a healthy substitution for French fries at your next family bar-b-que, or a healthy mid-day snack, or even a low-calorie sweet treat. This versatile snack is just what you need!


  • Pears
  • Sauce of your choice or desired flavoring


Take washed pears and peal. Once the pear is pealed, slide in half placing the flat side down and cut in half again. Continue this process until you reach desired rectangular shapes. Then sprinkle lightly with cinnamon and sugar, or leave plain for dipping in a sauce of your choosing! Hopefully, you found both recipes to be easy and informative! For more pear-fect snacks to add to your diet, check out!