Smile More!

Did you know that smiling makes you happier? Even if it’s a fake smile!

It is proven that every time you smile, your body releases chemicals that make you feel happier. As weird as it may seem, next time you’re feeling down, try smiling instead!

Smiling reduces not only mental pain but physical pain as well. If you smile when you’re hurt, it makes your body release endorphins which reduces pain while relaxing your body! Smiling also lowers blood pressure and decreases your heart rate. This can make you feel healthier, happier, and less anxious. When you smile, it also reduces your stress levels. This can boost your immune system and make you less likely to get sick!

In addition to the added health benefits, smiling can improve your social life, and make you seem more approachable. Also, when you smile, it contracts and flexes your facial muscles which is basically like a mini workout for your face!

Smiling is contagious! When someone is smiling, others can’t help but smile as well. So, smile more and make the world a happier place!

To learn more about how great it is to smile, visit!