Polar Bear Plunge 2024!

Who’s ready to take the plunge?

The 28th annual Polar Bear Plunge is coming up! The Polar Bear Plunge is a tradition that was started when 35 participants jumped into the icy cold water of the outdoor pool to celebrate the opening of the Eakin Student Recreation Center. Since then, we have carried on the tradition, with the all-time record hitting 1,200 jumpers in 2014. The plunge is open to all ECU students, faculty, and staff free of charge. 

When: Thursday, January 18th, 2023, first jump at 6:00 PM

Where: Eakin Student Recreation Center Outdoor Pool 

Like last year, students are required to digitally sign a waiver. Students cannot enter the building until it is signed, regardless of if they plan to jump! Waiting to sign the waiver until you arrive will cause a delay in your entrance and your jump time. Sign the waiver today on the ECU Rec app or by visiting the CRW Member Portal, make sure you are signed in to receive access.

The ESRC will close at 4:30 PM and reopen at 5:30 PM, no one is allowed inside the building during this time (*HSC Recreation Center will maintain regular hours of operation.) After jumping, the indoor pool will be open to warm up in. There, you will be able to participate in some water games or float around. It’s up to you! After warming up, you can visit the organization fair on Basketball Courts 5 & 6 near the rock-climbing wall. Here, you will be able to find various clubs and organizations. 

Jumpers will receive a free t-shirt while supplies last! We will also have free food, trivia, and games for students to participate in after jumping. Follow along as we prepare for Polar Plunge… keep an eye out on our social media @ECU_CRW for more information and interactive giveaways!