Incentive Programs

Pirate Fit

Dansani Water and Campus Recreation and Wellness are happy to announce that Pirate Fit is BACK.  You can win an exclusive Pirate Fit T-shirt and be entered in a drawing for a chance to win one of two $250 Student Stores Gift Card just by working out and making healthy choices. We will select one male and one female winner.  If it happens within a Campus Recreation & Wellness Program – IT COUNTS!

Registration and Tracking

How it works

Record your daily workouts into our tracker;  Club Sport and Intramural Activities, Wellness program participation, drinking a bottle of Dasani Water, or whatever else you see fit – as long as it is a healthy choice it counts!

Prize Level and Prizes

  • Log 20 workouts and earn Pirate Fit T-shirt
  • Log 30 workouts and get entered into Gift Card Drawing

Prize Redemption

You will be notified by email with instructions on where to go to pick up your prize.