The Benefits of Journaling

What is Journaling?

Journaling is keeping a record of your thoughts, feelings, emotions, and more. Your journal can be written, typed, or even drawn. Some journals come with existing prompts that provide writing inspiration or you can come up with your own, the possibilities are endless!

What are the Benefits of Journaling?

Improves Mental Health

Journaling is an inexpensive way to improve your mental health. Writing or drawing your emotions can help you to understand the way that you are feeling more clearly. Specifically, keeping a gratitude journal can be extremely beneficial. Gratitude journals are pre-prompted and help you to set aside time during your day to be grateful. Keeping a gratitude journal has been proven to make people happier. When journaling, try to change your perspective on your daily tasks. For example, instead of complaining about having to go to school today, try writing about why you are grateful that you have the opportunity to learn. Or instead of complaining about having to work out, be grateful that you are strong, capable, and able to do so.

Helps to Set & Achieve Goals

Journaling in the morning can help you set your priorities by writing out short-term goals for each day. You are more likely to accomplish your goals when you write them down. Writing down your goals each day also helps you track your goals and make them a priority. You can also journal about your long-term goals and how you will go about achieving them.

Encourages Self-Confidence

Journaling is a safe place for you to reflect on yourself and process emotions that may be heavily weighing on you. Write about your strengths and be confident in them. Write down self-affirmations in your journal. Write about your problems, fears, and concerns to allow yourself to think more clearly and overcome them.

What Should I Journal About?
  • Things that bring you joy
  • Describing a time or place when you felt happy
  • Ways to overcome your fears
  • Daily affirmations
  • Things that you are grateful for
  • Anything that is on your mind!