Reprogram your sub conscience mind for success.

“Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality.”Earl Nightingale

The actions you take on a daily basis are heavily influenced by the patterns absorbed by your subconscious mind. What you say, what you do, and how you feel are all guided by your subconscious beliefs and interpretations.  If you have ever found yourself doing or saying something that is unaligned with your conscious beliefs or desires, it is most likely because your subconscious mind has already been pre-programmed by you and the people/things around you. Our subconscious mind is the underlying auto-pilot feature in our brain. It soaks up information just like a sponge. Beginning from the time that we are born until about 7 or 8 years old, your subconscious formed a foundation of your preset beliefs and perceptions based on the people around you, the music you listened to, and the TV shows and movies you watched. The thing is, your subconscious mind didn’t just stop taking in information because you’ve aged, in fact, you only really ever become aware of these patterns when they begin to hinder your progress and productivity in your everyday life. Now that you’re an adult, you may have noticed some habits, thought patterns, and natural instincts that no longer positively serve you. You may even end up sabotaging yourself because of them. It’s not the end of the world if you can relate to these scenarios, it just means that you will have to make the time to reprogram your negative subconscious beliefs, thoughts, and habits. Take the time to ask yourself, what are you downloading into your mind? Do you have a positive or negative self-image based on your external environment growing up? Do you often get frustrated and overwhelmed by your own negative thought patterns?  Reprogramming your mind for success will help solve many of these issues and shift your mind to a more focused and limitless belief system.

  • Say your affirmations and goals twice daily.
    • Remind yourself daily of your goals, who you are, who you want to be, and what you have to do to get there. If for example your goal is to make your health and fitness a top priority, every morning and night tell yourself that you already arethe healthiest version of yourself and then work every day towards making that your reality.
  • Be around the success you want to become. 
    • Whether we want to believe it or not, we absolutely are a reflection of who we hang around. For example, if you surround yourself with four millionaires, you have no choice but to become the fifth, however, the same can be said if you were to surround yourself with unmotivated, unsuccessful, and pessimistic people. You should aim to surround yourself with people you can always learn from who uplift and support your goals, and they should motivate you by motivating themselves. Never be satisfied with being the brightest in the room and plant your seeds only where they’re capable of growing.
  • Experience the lifestyle you want to live.
    • Let’s take your dream car for example, instead of scrolling through pictures of other people who have it and wishing it were you, go to that dealership, take it for a ride, and picture what your life would look like after you’ve finally gotten it. Try taking a walk through your dream house a imagine your family living happily there, start planning that vacation you’ve already wanted to take whether you’re ready to travel or not, even go to that designer store and try on your favorite pair of shoes. Not only will this motivate you to work harder towards these goals, but they won’t seem as unattainable or far fetched because you’ve already experienced it!
  • Read books and listen to audio books related to your goals (30 day no music challenge).
    • As we all know, the music we listen to heavily influences our emotions and feelings in that moment. Think about your favorite song and then think about how many times you’ve listened to it over and over again essentially downloading the thoughts and feelings of someone else into your subconscious mind. Many of us enjoy listening to music with lots of cursing or violent language, but what we fail to realize is how those lyricsmay begin to have an effect on what we say, do, and feel. Our subconscious is a creature of habit and repetition so if we’re constantly downloading negativity into our minds, how can we expect to have consistent positive thoughts and feelings? Challenge yourself to going 30 days without listening to your normal playlists by replacing them with a few audiobooks related to the goals you wish to accomplish and be sure to remain aware of any improvements in your thought patterns and feelings throughout this time.
  • Create a daily routine that nurtures your dreams and goals (takes 30 days to create a routine).
    • Many of the habits and thought patterns we currently possess aren’t even our own, they actually belong to the environments that we were either raised in or have put ourselves in. However, this doesn’t eliminate our responsibility of breaking those cycles for our own overall well-being. Take a moment to think about where you are and where you want to be, then consider the action steps that you will have to take to get there. Implement these action steps in your life by creating a maintainable daily routine in order to make that change happen. It’s already done!