Keeping Organized this Semester

Keep your Syllabi Handy

A first and easy step to stay organized this semester is to print off your syllabi. Having a hard copy of your class guidelines and schedule will allow you to manage your time by looking ahead in the semester. Another resourceful idea is to highlight or write out when your professors hold office hours so you always know when you can meet with them.

Use a Planner

For some, the most essential organizational tool is a planner. Before purchasing a planner make sure it has sections for monthly, weekly, and daily scheduling. Planners will help keep your classes and extracurricular activities on track. Write out all your important dates like tests, meetings, and sports practice. This will ensure that you don’t miss any of your important events or assignments. You can also utilize the calendar on your phone to send you reminders, repeat events, and give you access to what’s going on wherever you are.

Organize your Space

Keeping your room, car, and other spaces clean will help you be destressed and organized. There’s not much worse than feeling like you can’t find what you need or being surrounded by junk. Allowing yourself a tidy space where you can relax can eliminate the added pressure of school and work. To start this, try going through your closet and getting rid of the clothes you no longer wear. You can donate these items to a local shelter or nonprofit to help others in need.

 Find your Routine

With classes, clubs, jobs, sports, and more it is important to set aside time for homework, relaxation, and fun. Time management is a common struggle for college students, but if you can master it, you are setting yourself up for success. Scheduling specific times to complete your homework will ensure that you get your work done and don’t miss deadlines. Escape to the library or another quiet place away from distractions and focus on doing school work for a certain amount of time. Make sure to establish these habits early in the semester so you can get in a routine. It’s important to save time for relaxation and fun after your homework is finished. Whether you like watching TV, playing games, going for a walk, or hanging out with friends, find what you love and save time for that. Remember that Campus Recreation & Wellness has tons of free programs and resources available for whatever you enjoy.