Staying Afloat: Surviving the Spring Semester

It has finally reached the point in the semester where you’ve have had your first test, maybe your first not-so-great grade and all of us are lacking on sleep. You can practically taste spring break and warmer weather, and as the days get longer it can get harder to stay focused. Maybe you’re doing okay or maybe you feel like you can’t quite catch up on your day-to-day tasks. However your semester is going, here are a few tips to help you survive the Spring.

One of the ways I like to stay on track is by setting realistic goals for getting work done. A great way to do this is by using a to-do list or calendar to keep track of your responsibilities. I generally list the tasks that are easier to complete at the top of my list and once I have those out of the way it is much easier to focus on the things that require a little more time. A second way to tackle a lengthy to-do list is by mixing in easier tasks with tougher ones so you can take a “mental break” while you work. Whatever method you choose, make sure to cross tasks off your list to feel more accomplished and stay motivated.

A second way to make your semester easier is by developing a routine. You don’t have to schedule your entire life but having a plan for important tasks will help you stay organized and be less overwhelmed. Try reserving a certain time every week that you commit to doing homework or studying. By consistently managing your priorities, you’ll be able to plan more fun activities. It may seem like a challenge at first, but finding your routine is a great way to take away stress caused by procrastinating.

Another area of your routine that may need more attention is your sleep schedule. While sometimes it’s okay to stay out late and have fun, it is helpful to set a consistent bedtime for most of the week. This will make getting up in the morning a lot easier, plus you’ll have more energy during the day. Scheduling a time to fit in physical activity is important too! Find an accountability partner to go to the gym with or attend a group fitness class to meet new people. ECU Campus Recreation and Wellness offers tons of fun, challenging, and FREE classes at all times of the day on main campus and the health sciences campus.

Routines and organization are great ways to survive the semester, but there are a few other factors that are just as important. Stay social! This can be a daunting idea for some but having support from friends that you can talk to and de-stress with is essential to making it through the trials of the semester. If you’re ever looking for something fun to do, visit and check out all the awesome events and programs that are offered all semester long.

Finally, focus on the positive. Acknowledge your accomplishments and don’t be too hard on yourself over things that won’t matter long term. Surround yourself with people who reflect their own optimism so you can support each other. Remember to enjoy the little things, like the weather when it’s nice outside, your favorite food, or spending time with friends. I hope you find these tips to be helpful as we continue throughout the semester. Good luck, Pirates!

Malinda Massey is a junior majoring in Business Marketing and a Communications & Promotions Intern for Campus Recreation & Wellness. She is also an EC Scholar, member of the Honors College, and a trumpet section leader for the Marching Pirates.