Finding a New "Normal"

There is truly not a way to put into words what the global pandemic known as COVID-19 is doing to our society. The Coronavirus has forced the implementation of what we are calling “social-distancing”, a.k.a. staying home, which is a necessary factor in eliminating the rapid spread of the virus. Since we are all having to readjust our daily lives to coincide with this principle of staying home, Campus Recreation & Wellness is sharing some tips on how to stay healthy while “social distancing”.

For many, gyms and recreation centers closing has made the transition to a stay-at-home life pretty difficult. The absence of facility equipment or motivational group fitness classes can make staying on top of a consistent workout routine a true challenge. Luckily, ECU Campus Recreation and Wellness offers plenty of opportunities to crush your fitness goals. Head over to our YouTube Channel and check out some of the Fit Friday videos! Each video has a unique and challenging workout that you can do at home. After completing your workout, tag us in a sweaty selfie on Instagram (@ecu_crw) and you could be featured on our page!

Another not-so-great factor of “social distancing” is the limitations on going out to eat. If you’re already tired of eating PB&Js or ramen noodles, check out another playlist on our YouTube called “Munchie Monday” for tons of new and healthy snack options! You can also look for endless healthy meal ideas on Pinterest. Get creative and try new foods – you may find something you love!

For students, balancing a full course-load of classes online is a daunting idea. Stay organized by making sure that you have any new syllabi from professors and note any updated expectations or due dates. As always, keeping a planner and to-do list are some of the best ways to keep track of what needs to get done. If you can, try to focus on class material in the same way that you would if school was in session. Work on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday classes during the normal class time, and do the same with Tuesday/Thursday. Even though classes are online, this may help to keep things a little less chaotic.

Last but not least, be sure to put your mental health first. As the weather is getting nicer, take an hour or so to enjoy being outside. Just because we are practicing “social distancing” doesn’t mean you can’t go for a walk or sit on your porch. Getting a breath of fresh air is a great way to destress and clear your mind, especially if you find yourself spending most of the day trapped indoors and laying on your couch.

There are so many ways to make a new “normal” out of our current situation. Do your best to adapt to the way things are now but remember that this will all be over eventually. Check-in on all of our social media frequently for more ways to stay healthy and access online fitness options. Updates on facility access can be found by visiting or on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook @ecu_crw. Good luck Pirate Nation, we’ll see you soon!