News Worthy Archives

CRW Alumnus Officiates Army/Navy Game
Jan 23, 2020
  • Chase Mitchell

CRW Alumnus Officiates Army/Navy Game

     With the college football season recently coming to an end, ECU Campus Recreation & Wellness would like to take a minute to recognize ECU alumnus Todd Riddick for...

Hot Water Update
Jan 16, 2020
  • Jenny Gregory

Hot Water Updates

  Updated Tuesday, November 26, 2019 Please be advised that Facilities Services is performing maintenance to the domestic hot water system at the Student Recreation Center located on Main Campus....

ESRC building
Jan 07, 2020
  • Jenny Gregory

Spring 2020 Program Guide

The Program Guide is a snapshot of what CRW is doing for the semester. If you want more details, please see the website page for specific information. Final Program Guide...

10 Ways to Make it Through Finals blog cover
Dec 06, 2019
  • Dania Ramirez-Gastelum

10 Ways to Make It Through Finals

    1. Say no to procrastination   “I procrastinate because it’s always worked for me.”   One of the greatest lies of all time. We procrastinate because we forget, we enjoy...

Club Cross Country and Track
Nov 25, 2019
  • Ben Finnamore

October’s Club Sport of the Month: Club Cross Country and Track

Club Cross Country and Track emerged as the Club Sport of the Month for October! While staying motivated to run can be a challenge for many, club president Brian McGill says, “You...

September's Club Sport of the Month: Women's Club Soccer!
Oct 23, 2019
  • Ben Finnamore

September's Club Sport of the Month: Women's Club Soccer

Congratulations to September's Club Sport of the Month, Women’s Club Soccer! These ladies have proven their dedication to the sport as they advance to the National Soccer Championships in Round...

If you ever feel like giving up, know your family is there to support you all the way!
Oct 10, 2019
  • Kyndall Watkins

Reprogram your sub conscience mind for success.

“Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality.” — Earl Nightingale The actions you take on a daily basis...

Sunset on field
Oct 10, 2019
  • Kyndall Watkins

Are you an unorganized mess? Me too!

In order to achieve success, you must be clear on what it is you truly want. One way to increase your focus is by setting goals. Breaking your long-term dreams...

ECU Students at Raid the Rec
Aug 16, 2019
  • Jenny Gregory

CRW Fall 2019 Program Guide

Campus Recreation & Wellness (CRW) is excited to start the new school year off with plenty of fun and exciting things to do! Whether you enjoy an outdoor adventure trip...

Jun 12, 2019
  • Dania Ramirez-Gastelum

A Note to the Class of 2023: Get Involved

Note to a Freshman: Get Involved It’s nice to think that you have it all figured out in high school. You did your four years of time, you think you’re...